By   December 25, 2017

SBT 1.0 and IntelliJ IDEA Scala plugin – needs update

I had to do a few updates to my Scala development tools, which hit me with a surprise when I tried to build one of Scala SBT applications. The build failed with misleading error messages. Digging deeper, I could find this message in one of the SBT windows.

org.jetbrains.sbt.CreateTask failed

org.jetbrains.sbt.CreateTask failed

This is referring to sbt.last.log file. Here are the contents of the file. It refers to the ClassNotFoundException for org.jetbrains.sbt.CreateTasks$.



So naturally, I tried to google if anyone else has experienced the same issue, and fair enough, not only this has been logged but Jetbrains people have suggested a solution too. Now I realized what happened, I got excited when sbt version 1.0 was released a few months back, so I updated that. Apparently, the version is not compatible with the Scala plugin on my IntelliJ IDEA.

Preferences | Plugins

Preferences | Plugins

Here is the IntelliJ IDEA edition, I was using to build this app. This is IntelliJ IDEA 15 Community Edition. But the new plugin is not available for the IntelliJ edition I was using. So naturally, I had to upgrade the editor to a newer version.

IntelliJ IDEA 15

IntelliJ IDEA 15

If you are also struggling with finding the upgrade button in the editor menus then we are friends. I tried finding it in the Help menu but, to my surprise, it is available in File menu. Well, that seems a little counter intuitive, doesn’t it?

Upgrade IntelliJ IDEA

Upgrade IntelliJ IDEA

Anyway, after hitting the download button, restarting my IntelliJ sessions. I finally was able to run the IntelliJ editor. But I still need to upgrade to the new Scala plugin version, and so I did.

Install Scala Plugin

Install Scala Plugin

Now the project builds fine. I don’t know why I have been smiling since morning today. Any clues???

Compiled successfully

Compiled successfully