Installing Confluent Platform on Mac OS
There are no direct download instructions available on the confluent platform yet to install the packages on Mac OS. I just want to share it with others just in case someone might need some help with this.
Download the Archive
The zip packages can be downloaded from here: Download. After downloading unzip and copy it to a relevant folder.
Pre-requisite for Running
In order to run the platform, we need Java installed on our machine with version >= 7. Let’s first verify the version we have on my machine.
We also need to verify if the JAVA_HOME environment variable is correctly set on the machine. Additionally, the $PATH environment variable must be set, otherwise, the services wouldn’t just start.
Running Confluent CLI
Now we can simply run Confluent CLI from the bin folder of unzipped downloaded package. You should see the following help if you run it.
And finally all the services are running fine as we run it using confluent start.