By   October 26, 2017

Setting up Landoop’s Kafka-Connect-ui on Mac

In this post, we are going to setup the third of the series of tools by Landoop to manage Confluent services for Kafka. Landoop provides Kafka-connect-ui to manage connectors in Kafka-connect. The tools is available as a Docker image on DockerHub, so let’s first pull it on our machine.

docker pull landoop/kafka-connect-ui

docker pull landoop/kafka-connect-ui

Now we need to enable CORS. Just make sure that you update the properties file for Kafka Connect being used. I had to update the following file. Please note that I am running Confluent service locally on my MacBook using Confluent CLI.

Update connect properties

Update connect properties

In order to update the CORS configs, just add the following lines to the property file. This should allow all requests from a different domain. In your production environment, you can be more restricted.

Now we can restart confluent services using Confluent CLI as follows:

Confluent stop Confluent start

Confluent stop
Confluent start

Finally we can run the docker image for Kafka-connect-ui. It must be remembered that you need to specify the actual IP address to avoid docker and host machine address mappings.

docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 -e "CONNECT_URL=" landoop/kafka-connect-ui

docker run –rm -p 8000:8000 -e “CONNECT_URL=” landoop/kafka-connect-ui

And here you can open it in the Browser. It shows up as follows for a single cluster setup:

